Saving Private Ryan Movie Lines
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Saving Private Ryan movie lines rating: R

∞ "Clear the ramp! Thirty seconds! God be with you!"
"Keep the sand out of your weapons! Keep those actions clear! I'll see you on the beach!"
"What's the rallying point?!"
"Anywhere but here!"
"We do not hold the beach! Say again! We do not hold the beach!"
"There killing us! We don't have a fucking chance, and that ain't fair!"
"All my strength, haste thee to help me..."
"That's quite a view."
"Yes it is... quite a view."
"I have here a very old letter, written to a Mrs. Bixby, in Boston. "Dear Madam: I have been shown in the files of the War Department a statement of the Adjutant-General of Massachusetts that you are the mother of five sons, who have died gloriously on the field of battle. I feel how weak and fruitless it must be any words of mine, which should attempt to beguile you from the grief of a loss, so overwhelming. But, I cannot refrain from tendering to you the consolation that may be found, in the thanks of the Republic they died to save. I pray, that our heavenly Father may assuage the anguish of your bereavement, and leave you only the cherished memory of the loved and lost, and the solemn pride that must be yours to have laid so costly a sacrifice, upon the altar of freedom. Yours very sincerely and respectfully" - Abraham Lincoln."
"We took out Toad 88's. Here, here and here. They had already got four of our Sherman's, and a number of our 'deuce and a halves'. These two mine fields, are actually one big one. We tried to make our way up through the middle of it, but it turned into a mixed high density field. A little of everything. Spring Mine 44's, Shoe Mine 42's, pot mines, A-200's, the little wooden bastards the mine detector's don't pick up..."
"It's like finding a needle in a stack of needles!"
"Well sir... seems to me, god gave me a special gift. Fashioned in me, a fine instrument of warfare!"
"What I mean, sir, is if you was to put me with this here sniper rifle anywhere up to and including one mile from Adolf Hitler... with a clean line of sight... well, pack your bags, boys. War's over."
"Hey... so, Captain, what about you? I mean, you don't gripe at all?"
"I don't gripe to you, Reiben. I'm a captain. There's a chain of command. Gripes go up, not down. Always up. You gripe to me, I gripe to my superior officer, so on, so on, and so on..."
"The statue of liberty is 'kaput'. ...That's disconcerting."
"Caparzo, get that kid back up there!"
"Captain, the decent thing to do, would be take her over to the next town."
"We're not here to do the decent thing, we're here to follow fucking orders!"
"Enough to make you old..."
"Let's hope so."
"You see, when you end up killing one of your men, you tell yourself, it happened, so you could save the lives of two, or three, or ten others. Maybe a hundred. You know how many men I've lost under my command?"
"How many?"
"Ninety four. But, that means I've saved the lives of ten times that many, doesn't it? Maybe even twenty, right? Twenty times as many? And, that's how simple it is. That's how you rationalize making the choice, between the mission and the men."
"Except this time, the mission is a man."
"Yall' got that right..."
"Sir, I just ahh.. don't got a good feeling about this one."
"Well, when is the last time you felt good about anything?"
"You're going to shoot me, over Ryan?"
"No, I'm gunna shoot ya 'cause I don't like ya! "
"Mike, what's the pool on me up to now? What is it up to? What is it, three hundred dollars? Is that it? ... I'm a schoolteacher. I teach English composition... in this little town called Adley, Pennsylvania. The last eleven years, I've been at Thomas Alva Edison High School. I was a coach of the baseball team in the springtime. Back home, I tell people what I do for a living and they think well, now that figures. But over here, it's a big, big mystery. So, I guess I've changed some... Sometimes I wonder if I've changed so much my wife is even going to recognize me? Whenever it is, that I get back to her... And how I'll ever be able to tell her about days, like today. Ah... Ryan. I don't know anything about Ryan. I don't care. The man means nothing to me. It's just a name. But, if... You know, if going to Rumelle and finding him so that he can go home... if that earns me the right to get back to my wife, then that's my mission. You want to leave? You want to go off, and fight the war? All right... All right. I won't stop you. I'll even put in the paperwork. I just know, that every man I kill, the farther away from home I feel."
"Tell you what sir, if you're our relief, I'm gunna file a complaint."
"I wouldn't blame you."
"Well part of me thinks the kid is right. What's he done to deserve this. He wants to stay here, fine, let's leave him and go home."
"But, another part of me thinks... What if by some miracle, we stay, and actually make it our of here? Someday, we might look back on this, and decide that saving Private Ryan, was the one decent thing we were able to pull out of this whole, god awful shitty mess. That's what I was thinkin', sir. Like you said Captain, we all do that... we all earn the right to go home."
"Jackson, if we can, we'd like to get you up in that bell tower."
"Yes sir."
"Get you a little company if you need it!"
"Yes sir, some company couldn't hurt! I'd say, a ...thirty with about a thousand rounds would be ok!"
"We could try a sticky bomb..."
"Sir? Are you making that up?"
"No, it's in the field manual. Check it out if you want to."
"We seem to be out of field manuals, sir."
"Come up a better way to knock the tracks off a tank? ... I'm all ears."
"This is good... now we gotta surrender our socks."
"You gotta be 'Johnny on the spot' with the ammo... or we're dead. You understand that?"
"...'Johnny on the spot.'"
"Fucked up beyond all recognition, right?"
"Good luck, Reiban."
"I don't need any luck Sarge', I was born lucky."
"James, earn this... Earn it."
"My dear Mrs Ryan: It's with the most profound sense of joy that I write to inform you, your son, Private James Ryan, is well and, at this very moment, on his way home from European battlefields. Reports from the front, indicate James did his duty in combat with great courage and steadfast dedication, even after he was informed of the tragic loss your family has suffered in this great campaign, to rid the world of tyranny and oppression. I take great pleasure in joining the Secretary of War, the men and women of the U.S. Army, and the citizens of a grateful nation in wishing you good health and many years of happiness, with James at your side. Nothing, not even the safe return of a beloved son, can compensate you, or the thousands of other American families, who have suffered great loss, in this tragic war. I might share with you some words which have sustained me through long, dark nights of peril, loss, and heartache. And I quote: "I pray that our Heavenly Father may assuage the anguish of your bereavement, and leave you only the cherished memory of the loved and lost, and the solemn pride that must be yours to have laid so costly a sacrifice upon the alter of freedom." - Abraham Lincoln. Yours very sincerely and respectfully, George C. Marshall, General, Chief of Staff."
"Every day, I think about what you said to me on that bridge. I've tried to live my life the best I could. I hope that was enough. I hope that at least in your eyes, I've earned what all of you have done for me."
Saving Private Ryan Review
Director: Steven SpielbergWriters: Robert Rodat Released: July 24, 1998 Movie length: 170 minutes Cast: Tom Hanks - Captain John H. Miller Tom Sizemore - Sergeant Mike Horvath Edward Burns - Pvt. Richard Reiben Barry Pepper Pvt. Daniel Jackson Adam Goldberg - Pvt. Stanley Mellish Vin Diesel - Private Adrian Caparzo Giovanni Ribisi - T-4 Medic Irwin Wade Jeremy Davies - Cpl. Timothy P. Upham Matt Damon - Private James Francis Ryan Ted Danson - Captain Fred Hamill Paul Giamatti - Sergeant Hill Dennis Farina - Lieutenant Colonel Anderson Joerg Stadler - Steamboat Willie Max Martini - Corporal Henderson Dylan Bruno - Toynbe
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